Contact IDES - › about › contact-idesIllinois Relay and TTY Numbers. Individuals with a hearing impairment who would like to speak with someone in the Claimant Services Center should dial 711 for the Illinois Relay System. Once connected, please direct the communications analyst to call IDES at 800.244.5631. Illinois Relay : (800) 526-0844 TTY or 711.
Certify for Benefits may also certify by Tele-Serve at (312) 338-4337 (3:00am - 7:30pm, Monday - Friday). ILogin: All new and existing claimants must create an ILogin account. Payment Methods: As of December 27, 2021, IDES has stopped sending payments via KeyBank debit cards to unemployment insurance claimants.
Certify for Benefits
illinois-doit-stage-ides.amsadobe.comRegular Unemployment Certification Timeline : The best way to complete your certification is online from 3:00am - 7:30pm on your designated certification day, including holidays. Thursdays and Fridays are make-up days if you miss your certification day. You may also certify by Tele-Serve at (312) 338-4337 (3:00am - 7:30pm, Monday - Friday).
Certify for Benefits - › unemployment › certifyThe best way to complete your certification is online from 3:00am - 7:30pm on your designated certification day, including holidays. Thursdays and Fridays are make-up days if you miss your certification day. You may also certify by Tele-Serve at (312) 338-4337 (3:00am - 7:30pm, Monday - Friday). All new and existing claimants must create an ...
Contact IDES IDES Telephone Numbers at a Glance Unemployment insurance claim questions: (800) 244-5631 Complaints/allegations regarding unemployment insurance fraud: (800) 814-0513 If you are a victim of fraud, click here. MyTax Illinois/Employer Hotline