Understanding the Common European Framework of Reference for ...
www.efset.org › cefrThe CEFR and EF SET The EF SET has been designed to align to full CEFR spectrum from the very beginning. The CEFR sets out six levels of foreign language mastery, and EF SET is aligned as such: A1 Beginner EF SET 1-30 A2 Elementary EF SET 31-40 B1 Intermediate EF SET 41-50 B2 Upper intermediate EF SET 51-60 C1 Advanced EF SET 61-70 C2 Proficient
CEFR Levels: 2022 Guide to CEFR Levels For Language ...
leapscholar.com › blog › guide-to-cefr-levels-forDec 19, 2022 · C1 CEFR level means candidates belong to an advanced level of proficiency in a foreign language. The language fluency and vocabulary show a distinctive and remarkable development. Individuals in this level of CEFR can use the foreign language for academic and professional purposes with ease and efficiency. Those belonging to the C1 level can speak, read and write in a foreign language without any difficulty.