Class Schedule | CCSF › academics › class-scheduleThe Fall 2022 schedule includes in-person, online, and remote classes. To find out the status of a particular class, look at the Remote, Online or Campus column of the online schedule. Classes that have a Campus listed (e.g., Ocean, John Adams) are planned to be offered either entirely or partially in-person at the campus indicated.
Summer 2022 Credit Classes - CCSF › summer-2022-credit-classesSUMMER 2022 CCS SCHEDULE O LASSES CREDIT CRN SEC TYPE DAYS TIMES DATES LOCATION CAMPUS INSTRUCTOR REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! 4 LAST PDATED 7/24/2022 9:38AM Synchronous Zoom meetings on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays beginning at 10:10 AM and ending before 11:45 AM. Live online meetings require the use of CityZoom, Zoom’s web