Cautious vs Prudent - What's the difference? | WikiDiff › cautious › prudentCautious is a synonym of prudent. As adjectives the difference between cautious and prudent is that cautious is careful; using or exercising caution; tentative while prudent is sagacious in adapting means to ends; circumspect in action, or in determining any line of conduct; careful, discreet, sensible; -- opposed to rash; directed by prudence or wise forethought; evincing prudence;.
Words Cautious and Prudent have similar meaning › related › cautiousCautious is a synonym for prudent in careful topic. You can use "Cautious" instead an adjective "Prudent", if it concerns topics such as wise. popular alternative Nearby Words: prudence, prudently, prudential Synonyms for Prudent Mutual synonyms alert sensible safe wise judicious sagacious provident watchful careful discreet politic chary
careful, cautious, prudent, discreet - 英単語の正しい ..., cautious...careful, cautious, prudent, discreet「慎重な」意味の違い、使い分け. 今回は 形容詞 の類義語です。 「慎重な」という意味を表す4つの語、careful, cautious, prudent, discreet について。 こ …