STAMPWORLD.DE: En se encuentra sellos de todo el mundo clasificados según países o motivos. Los sellos postales están clasificados según el año de su emisión y su número de catálogo MICHEL. Las listas de motivos consideran incluso las ilustraciones más pequeñas así como los motivos secundarios.
Online Stamp Catalogues - World Stamp Catalogues Online Stamp Catalogues Colnect (many languages) – Colnect (premium) has auto-matching, best matches and an extensive free …
Bem vindo ao - o maior catalogo de selos online. Esta somente a um clique distancia do mais completo catalogo de selos. Aqui estão todos os recursos que temos para lhe oferecer. + de 750,000 fotos a cores. + de 750,000 selos. Registe o seu site pessoal. Compra e venda de selos. Fórum de selos.
Benvenuti su il più grande catalogo online di francobolli Sei ad un clic da un catalogo mondiale di francobolli. Qui le funzioni che possiamo offrire: più di 700.000 foto a … is the largest, most complete and updated online stamp catalogue in the world with features to buy and sell stamps and collections.. visit the most …
Bem vindo ao - o maior catalogo de selos online Esta somente a um clique distancia do mais completo catalogo de selos. Aqui estão todos os recursos que temos para …
The stamps are arranged in the years of issue and the MICHEL-catalogue number. In the subject lists, even the smallest illustrations and secondary subjects are given consideration. The catalogue may be used to check whether an edition meets your personal wishes. All stamps without further particulars are in unmounted mint (MNH) condition.
Bienvenido a, el mayor catálogo de sellos en línea Estás a un solo clic de ingresar a un completo catálogo de sellos de todo el mundo. Mira todo lo que tenemos para …
Welcome to - the largest on-line stamp catalogue You are now just one click away from a world wide complete Stamp catalogue. Here are all the features we have to offer … - El catálogo de sellos más completo de internet | StampWorld. Más de 700.000 imágenes en color. Más de 750.000 sellos postales. Registra tu página privada. Compra y vende sellos postales. Foro sobre sellos. Crea tu propia colección. Registra gratis tu negocio. Colecciones temáticas.
What does Freestampcatalogue contain? • A free world catalogue with virtually every stamp/series/block from 1920 to date • Additionally, many countries with stamps pre-1920 • A …
Tervetuloa StampWorld.comiin, verkon suurimpaan postimerkkiluetteloon. Olet vain yhden klikkauksen päässä koko maailman kattavasta postimerkkiluettelosta.
Welcome to - the largest on-line stamp catalogue You are now just one click away from a world wide complete Stamp catalogue. Here are all the features we have to offer … is a relatively well-visited web project, safe and generally suitable for all ages. We found that English is the preferred language on Stamp World pages. Their most used social media is Facebook with about 99% of all user votes and reposts. is built on Django CMS and uses Nginx for server.
Membership to take a data-driven approach to stamp collecting and track your collection online (USD 19.48) Stampdata (English) – Wiki based free catalogue; stamps of 960 countries and areas and over 205,000 stamps. StampWorld (Various) – The Facebook of Stamp Collectors; over 650,000 stamps. WNS (English/French) – WADP Numbering System ...
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