Catholicism - Episodes - IMDb › title › tt2725156Episode List Season: OR Year: 2011 S1, Ep1 13 Oct. 2011 Amazed and Afraid: Jesus Both God and Human 7.6 (10) Rate Fr. Robert Barron travels to the Holy Land and reveals through sight, scripture, and story just how strange and startling Jesus Christ was to his first century disciples and to all who followed in their wake. S1, Ep2 16 Nov. 2011
Catholicism (TV Series 2011– ) - IMDb › title › tt2725156Catholicism TV Series 2011– 10 h IMDb RATING 9.2 /10 79 YOUR RATING Rate Documentary Filmed in more than 50 locations throughout 15 countries, this 10-part series explores the details, culture, and practices of Catholics and the more than 1 billion who participate in the faith. Star Robert Barron See production, box office & company info
CATHOLICISM 10th Anniversary Online Screening Event
catholicismseries.comA Body Both Suffering and Glorious: The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church (47 min.) Bishop Barron presents the reality of the Church as “one, holy, catholic and apostolic,” and explores the Catholic conviction that the life and presence of Christ continues to embrace humanity in all its joys and sorrows through the presence of the Church.