Carthago Newsletter April 2023 Meet David & Sharon, happy liner-for-two owners. Meet David & Sharon, proud owners of a liner-for-two. It was at the Motorhome & Caravan show at the NEC in 2019 where they inspected numerous …
New features 2023 - › en › a-classThe model series with the unique 4-room concept made its major première in 2019. A lot has happened since then. The liner-for-two is also immediately recognisable in model year 2023 due to its new, dynamic and elegant appearance and the even brighter and friendlier interior design.
Highlights - Carthago › en › a-classCarthago driver's cabin visibility concept; Carthago full LED headlights (dipped beam and main beam) including LED daytime driving lights; XL main cabin door “Safetylux” with extra-strong and stable door, wider passage dimensions of 63 cm and large door window; Living comfort. Round rear lounge seating area, unique 4-room concept