New features 2023 - › en › a-classNew features exterior One thing becomes clear straight away when you enter the luxury vehicle: the model year 2023 Carthago liner-for-two is more elegant and cosy than ever. General All of the handles of the overhead storage compartments have a new, ergonomic design for even better haptics.
liner-for-two Grundrisse & Daten - Carthago › en › a-classliner-for-two Round rear lounge seating area with electrically extendible TV lounger and unique 4-room concept Trading partners 360° Panorama Catalogue orders Learn more Coachbuilt c-tourer T Lightweight/Comfort c-tourer Lightweight/Comfort The sophisticated all-rounder. Trading partners 360° Panorama Catalogue orders
Highlights - Carthago › en › a-classThe powerhouse of the Carthago Liner class Trading partners 360° Panorama Catalogue orders Learn more liner-for-two liner-for-two Round rear lounge seating area with electrically extendible TV lounger and unique 4-room concept Trading partners 360° Panorama Catalogue orders Learn more Coachbuilt c-tourer T Lightweight/Comfort
liner-for-two motorhomes - Carthago › en › newsThe liner-for-two models are characterised by a round lounge seating area in the rear with electrically extendible TV lounger, a unique 4-room concept, a large kitchen area and a comfort luxury bathroom with changing room. This range focuses on the needs of two travellers and perfectly meets the requirements for "travelling as a couple".