Highlights chic c-line - Carthago
www.carthago.com › en › a-classchic c-line new generation 2022: The new fascination of the Carthago Liner class: Elegance, comfort and extravagance. Elegant, comfortable and extremely practical at the same time. These are the attributes with which the chic c-line defines the step-up to the Carthago liner premium class. Available on the Fiat Ducato AL-KO and the Mercedes-Benz ...
Chic C Line - Carthago Slovenija
www.carthago-slovenija.si › chic-c-lineOpisGalerija slikVideoModeliPogled 360° Chic c-line nove generacije 2022: Nova fascinacija razreda Carthago Liner: Eleganca, udobje in ekstravaganca Eleganten, udoben in hkrati izjemno praktičen. To so lastnosti, s katerimi chic c-line opredeljuje prestop v premium razred Carthago liner. Na voljo pri vozilih Fiat Ducato AL-KO in Mercedes-Benz Sprinter AL-KO. Chic c-line na vozilu Fiat Ducato ...