GEDBAS: Carl Philipp ARENTZ › person › showNotizen zu dieser Person. No Headstone Cause of death: ‘Gored By A Cow’ - died ca 12mths later Philip’s occupation is given as ‘vinedresser’ in immigration record, ‘labourer’ in 1856 at time of Jacob’s birth Notes on Family - source unknown - probably from Tumut FHS : PP182-183 Verify baptism date.
Bachsöhne – WikipediaöhneCarl Philipp Emanuel Bach (8. März 1714 – 14. Dezember 1788) Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach (21. Juni 1732 – 26. Januar 1795) Johann Christian Bach (5. September 1735 – 1. Januar 1782) Ein weiterer Sohn, Johann Gottfried Bernhard Bach (11. Mai 1715 – 27.
Dr. med. Carl-Philip Mahler Facharzt für Kinder- und ... › en › Carl-Philip Mahler based in Eisenberg is registered in the Creditreform company database with the business activity 'Specialist medical practice activities'. Its current status is listed as active. The official company name is Dr. med. Carl-Philip Mahler Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin. One director currently runs the company: 1 ...