Cardano Insights | Cardano Explorer - Adapools › insightsCardano Insights | Cardano Explorer Cardano Insights [PPWMT] Pool Party | WMT token bonus ! [ECO] ECO Pool Payment address - interractions Block txs - average Block size - average Minted blocks Collateral - output Datums Delegations Minted tokens Burned assets Minted NFTs Unique payment credentials - interractions Minting pools Redeemers
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cardano.orgCardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform: the first to be founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods. It combines pioneering technologies to provide unparalleled security and sustainability to decentralized applications, systems, and societies.
Insights - Cardano Development › insightsThrough our insights we share our expertise and learnings, with the aim to encourage local currency financing and financial market development in emerging and frontier markets. Podcast Introducing Cardano Development’s Impact Review and Trends 2022 Blended Finance Institutional Investors Local capital markets Local Currency Finance Risk Management
Cardano Insights | Essential Cardano › article › cardano-insightsAug 5, 2022 · We decided to create and analyze several important onchain indicators and we called it cardano insights. Below we present the first results (axis x = cardano epoch, axis y = value for selected metric). 1. Payment addressess (unique outputs) 2. Average used blocksize (kB) 3. Delegations per epoch. 4. Minted NFTs per epoch. 5. Redeemers (SC interractions) 6.