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captain krishnan kanthavel

How the Ever Given that broke global trade crashed - VNAP ...
26.6.2021 · Captain Krishnan Kanthavel watched the solar rise over the Red Sea by means of a dusty haze on March 23, 2021. From his viewpoint, by means of winds of greater than 40 mph, it was simply potential to see outlines of the 19 different ships anchored in Suez Bay, ready their flip to enter the slim channel.
Suez Canal: Ever Given captain and crew pictured for first time ... › news › sue...
Captain Krishnan Kanthavel was at the wheel of the 1,312ft vessel when it got stuck fast in the Egyptian shipping lane for six days, ...
Suez Canal: Ever Given captain and crew pictured for first ... › news › 15650131
Jul 21, 2021 · Captain Krishnan Kanthavel was at the wheel of the 1,312ft vessel when it got stuck fast in the Egyptian shipping lane for six days, before it was eventually freed by a team of diggers and boats. 3.
krishnan kanthavel - Opera News
Captain Krishnan Kanthavel was at the wheel of the 1,312ft vessel, when it got stuck fast in the Egyptian shipping lane for six days before it was eventually freed by a team of diggers and boats., 4 months ago 11
Suez Canal: Ever Given captain and crew pictured for first ...
21.7.2021 · Captain Krishnan Kanthavel was at the wheel of the 1,312ft vessel when it got stuck fast in the Egyptian shipping lane for six days, before it was eventually freed by a team of diggers and boats. 3. Captain Krishnan Kanthavel, circled, and his crew, plus to his right, ...
How the Ever Given that broke global trade crashed › ho...
Captain Krishnan Kanthavel watched the sun rise over the Red Sea through a dusty haze on March 23, 2021. From his viewpoint, through winds ...
How the Billion-Dollar Ever Given Cargo Ship Got Stuck in ...
24.6.2021 · Captain Krishnan Kanthavel watched the sun rise over the Red Sea through a dusty haze. Winds of more than 40 mph, whipping off the Egyptian desert, had turned the …
Businessweek auf Twitter: "Suddenly, it became clear the Ever ... › status
According to a person familiar with the VDR audio, Captain Krishnan Kanthavel reacted as anyone might in the same situation. “Shit!
Six Days In Suez Canal: Inside Story Of Billion-Dollar Ever ... › world-news › six-days-in-suez-canal
Jun 25, 2021 · Captain Krishnan Kanthavel watched the sun rise over the Red Sea through a dusty haze. Winds of more than 40 mph, whipping off the Egyptian desert, had turned the sky an anemic yellow. From his ...
Suez Canal: Ever Given captain and crew pictured for first ... › news › 3322341
Jul 21, 2021 · Captain Krishnan Kanthavel was at the wheel of the 1,312ft vessel when it got stuck fast in the Egyptian shipping lane for six days, before it was eventually freed by a team of diggers and boats. 3 Captain Krishnan Kanthavel, circled, and his crew, plus to his right, replacement skipper Hanse Kurisinkal Credit: Supplied
Six Days In Suez Canal: Inside Story Of Ship That Broke ... › six-days-i...
Captain Krishnan Kanthavel watched the solar rise over the Red Sea via a dusty haze. Winds of greater than 40 mph, whipping off the Egyptian ...
Suez Canal: Ever Given captain and crew pictured for first ...
21.7.2021 · Captain Krishnan Kanthavel was at the wheel of the 1,312ft vessel when it got stuck fast in the Egyptian shipping lane for six days, before it was eventually freed by …
How One of the World’s Biggest Ships Jammed the Suez ...
17.7.2021 · The ship’s captain, Krishnan Kanthavel, decided to go ahead anyway, perhaps submitting to the same high-pressure commercial demands that have driven the industry to build increasingly gigantic ...
How the Billion-Dollar Ever Given Cargo Ship Got Stuck in the ... › news › features
Jun 24, 2021 · Captain Krishnan Kanthavel watched the sun rise over the Red Sea through a dusty haze. Winds of more than 40 mph, whipping off the Egyptian desert, had turned the sky an anemic yellow.
How the Ever Given that broke global trade crashed | World ...
Captain Krishnan Kanthavel watched the sun rise over the Red Sea through a dusty haze on March 23, 2021. From his viewpoint, through winds of more than 40 mph, it …
Ever Given: Here Is Businessweek's Detailed Account Of The ... › ever-given-businessweek-play-by
Jun 24, 2021 · By Kit Chellel (Boomberg) Captain Krishnan Kanthavel watched the sun rise over the Red Sea through a dusty haze. Winds of more than 40 mph, whipping off the Egyptian desert, had turned the sky an ...
Ever Given: Here Is Businessweek's Detailed Account Of The ... › ever-given-busi...
“Captain Kanthavel reacted as anyone might in the same situation. “Shit!” he screamed.” By Kit Chellel (Boomberg) Captain Krishnan Kanthavel ...
Report on grounding of MV Ever Given in the Suez Canal › report-on...
Lines, Taiwan. Ship Op Manager Higaki Sangyo Kaisha. Tech Manager Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement. Master Captain Krishnan Kanthavel ...
Ever Given: Here Is Businessweek's Detailed Account Of The ...
24.6.2021 · By Kit Chellel (Boomberg) Captain Krishnan Kanthavel watched the sun rise over the Red Sea through a dusty haze. Winds of more than 40 mph, whipping off the Egyptian desert, had turned the sky an ...
How the Ever Given container ship blocked the Suez Canal, and ... › policy › economy
Jul 27, 2021 · Captain Krishnan Kanthavel watched the sun rise over the Red Sea through a dusty haze. Winds of more than 60km/h, whipping off the Egyptian desert, had turned the sky an anemic yellow.
"S***!": Moment When Ship Got Stuck In Suez And More ... › World
Captain Krishnan Kanthavel watched the sun rise over the Red Sea through a dusty haze. Winds of more than 40 mph, whipping off the Egyptian ...
Suez Canal: Ever Given captain and crew pictured for first ... › world-news › suez-canal-ever
Jul 21, 2021 · Captain Krishnan Kanthavel was at the wheel of the 1,312ft vessel, when it got stuck fast in the Egyptian shipping lane for six days before it was eventually freed by a team of diggers and boats. While wedged in the canal, global business ground to a halt as ships could not get through holding up deliveries with the knock-on effects still being ...
Six days in Suez: the inside story of the ship that broke global ... › ... › Economy
Captain Krishnan Kanthavel watched the sun rise over the Red Sea through ... Kanthavel's container vessel was scheduled to be the 13th ship ...
Suez Canal: Ever Given captain and crew pictured for first ...
21.7.2021 · Captain Krishnan Kanthavel was at the wheel of the 1,312ft vessel, when it got stuck fast in the Egyptian shipping lane for six days before it was eventually freed by a team of diggers and boats. While wedged in the canal, global business ground to a halt as ships could not get through holding up deliveries with the knock-on effects still being felt more than four months …
The Stuck Ship of the Suez Canal: Inside the Supply-Chain ...
18.11.2021 · The decision ultimately lay in the hands of its captain, Krishnan Kanthavel, a firm-browed veteran mariner with short-cropped dark hair and a salt-and-pepper beard.
Captain and crew of 'megaship' that blocked Suez canal ... › news
Captain Krishnan Kanthavel was at the wheel of the 1,312ft vessel, when it got stuck fast in the Egyptian shipping... Read Full Story.