CapMan - Inderes › companies › CapManApr 08, 2022 · CapMan 2.595 EUR -1.14% CapMan är ett investeringsbolag. Visionen är att vara en långsiktig ägare och skapa mervärde för aktieägarna på lång sikt. CapMan har främst investeringar i medelstora onoterade bolag, fastigheter och infrastrukturanläggningar runt om den nordiska marknaden.
CapMan - › en › companiesCapMan 2.89EUR+0.17% CapMan is an investment company. The vision is to be a long-term owner and to be able to create added value for shareholders in the long run. The investments are mainly found among medium-sized growth companies operating around the Nordic market.
CapMan - Inderes › en › companiesCapMan is an investment company. The vision is to be a long-term owner and create added value for the shareholders in the long term. CapMan mainly invests in medium-sized unlisted companies, properties and infrastructure facilities around the Nordic market. Furthermore, the company offers asset management, purchasing activities as well as analysis, reporting and back office services. CapMan ...
CapMan - › companies › CapManApr 08, 2022 · CapMan CapMan 2.81 EUR -0.35% Log ind og følg CapMan is an investment company. The vision is to be a long-term owner and create added value for the shareholders in the long term. CapMan mainly invests in medium-sized unlisted companies, properties and infrastructure facilities around the Nordic market.