Canada - Provinces and Territories with capitals › en › wordsCapital; Alberta: Edmonton: British Columbia: Victoria: Manitoba: Winnipeg: New Brunswick: Fredericton: Newfoundland and Labrador: St. John's: Northwest Territories: Yellowknife: Nova Scotia (Halifax) Nunavut: Iqaluit: Ontario: Toronto: Prince Edward Island: Charlottetown: Quebec: Québec City: Saskatchewan: Regina: Yukon: Whitehorse
Canada Provinces and Capitals List - whereig › canada › canada-provinces-andCanada, is the 2nd largest country in the world, located in the northern part of North America. Ottawa is the national capital of Canada, is located in Ontario. Canada is made up of 13 administrative divisions: 10 provinces and 3 territories. Canada has a population of about 34 million people. Here is a list of the provinces and territories, with their capitals and their standard abbreviations, regions, population and total area.