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can you be a native speaker of two languages

Can someone be a native speaker of more than one language? › linguistics › 74...
Native speaker of two languages not the same as completely bilingual! May 29, 2007. I completely agree with Henry's comments: Henry Hinds wrote:
bilingualism - Can you have two first languages ... › questions › 44056
Mar 13, 2022 · Indeed, having a "daddy language" and a "mommy language" is the most common and successful strategy for producing fluent bilingual native speakers. – jlawler Mar 25, 2022 at 16:31 @jlawler My guess would be that the second most common/sucessful is when a family moves abroad due to the parents' work and they grow up in a foreign country.
What Does Bilingual Mean? | When Can Someone be Called ... › what-d...
Some say that bilingual means that a person is a native speaker of two languages. Others say bilingual means that someone is fluent in two ...
speech - Can you be a native speaker in two languages ... › questions › 356849
Nov 4, 2016 · You can be a native speaker in more than one language. As long as you were taught, you spoke, and you think in that language to a substantial degree from around the time you were born, even if that happens when you are say five years old, you can be considered a native speaker of that language. 'Native' here has got nothing to do with your citizenship or race. There are some institutions that require you to take language tests if you are not a native speaker of that language and you want to ...
Speaking a second language may change how you see the world › content › article
Mar 17, 2015 · Speakers of the two languages put different emphasis on actions and their consequences, influencing the way they think about the world, according to a new study. The work also finds that bilinguals may get the best of both worldviews, as their thinking can be more flexible. Cognitive scientists have debated whether your native language shapes ...
Determining my native language - Linguistics Stack Exchange
It's usually said that most living humans are multilingual, and a fair number of those are likely to have native-speaker competence in two languages …
If I am a native speaker of a language other than English, do I …
VerkkoIn fact, if your secondary school work was not conducted entirely in your native language, you might still be required to take a placement exam to demonstrate your …
Can you be native in two languages? - Quora › Can-you-be-native-in-two-langu...
Of course. Anyone who is raised in a bilingual environment and regularly exposed to more than one language from early childhood can be a native speaker of two ...
Can you be a native speaker in two languages? - Wyzant
Technically, the answer is, no, you would not be a native English speaker since you were not here as a baby. From a scientific standpoint, there is a …
Can i have more than one native language? : r/linguistics - reddit
VerkkoIt's not a very well-defined notion, but yes, you can be a native speaker of multiple languages. The basic idea is that if you learned a language to some extent before …
Can you be a native speaker in two languages? [closed] › c...
You can be a native speaker in more than one language. As long as you were taught, you spoke, and you think in that language to a ...
Can a person have more than one native language? › nll
Now in China, some parents aspire to help their children learn both Chinese and English as their native languages. But, considering the drastic ...
Can you be a native speaker in two languages? - Wyzant › answers
The country of your birth has no bearing on whether you are a native speaker. ... The degree to which you were immersed in a language determines ...
Can you be a native speaker in two languages? [closed]
You can be a native speaker in more than one language. As long as you were taught, you spoke, and you think in that language to a substantial degree from around the time you were born, even if that happens when you are say five years old, …
What Does it Mean to Say Someone is a Native Speaker …
VerkkoThey would have two native languages if they continued to participate in both languages and cultures. A person who participated in an immersion school would also …
Can someone be a native speaker of multiple languages? - Quora
VerkkoSo yes, it is certainly possible to to speak another language like a local. But, it helps if you learn it from native speakers in their country. It also helps if you have not …
FAQ: Bilingualism | Linguistic Society of America › faq...
In short, a young child who is regularly exposed to two languages from an early age will most likely become a fluent native speaker of both languages.
FAQ: Bilingualism | Linguistic Society of America › resource › faq-what
A bilingual person is someone who speaks two languages. A person who speaks more than two languages is called 'multilingual' (although the term 'bilingualism' can be used for both situations). Multilingualism isn't unusual; in fact, it's the norm for most of the world's societies.
Can i have more than one native language? : r/linguistics › comments
It's not a very well-defined notion, but yes, you can be a native speaker of multiple languages. The basic idea is that if you learned a ...
First language - Wikipedia
VerkkoOne can have two or more native languages, thus being a native bilingual or indeed multilingual. The order in which these languages are learned is not necessarily the order of proficiency. For instance, if a …
Speaking a second language may change how you see the world
Now you might want to switch to English. Speakers of the two languages put different emphasis on actions and their consequences, influencing the …
Two Native Languages - Universal Translation Services › ...
Can One Have Two Native Languages? ... Well, the answer to that is both yes and no. Bilingual language acquisition is not that complicated, of course, if you are ...
Native speaker of Uzbek contacted me… : r/languagelearning
VerkkoLanguage learning Learning Learning and Education. We're all Uzbek natives. I told him I was happy to meet a native Uzbek speaker. He said: why? Are you interested in …
Why the baby brain can learn two languages at the same time › why-the-baby-brain-can-learn
Apr 15, 2016 · Children who experience two languages from birth typically become native speakers of both, while adults often struggle with second language learning and rarely attain native-like fluency.