Campylobacter jejuni - Wikipedia › wiki › Campylobacter_jejuniCampylobacter infections can occur in all age groups. Studies show a peak incidence in children younger than 1 year and in people aged 15–29 years. The age-specific attack rate is highest in young children. In the United States, the highest incidence of Campylobacter However, the rate of fecal cultures positive for Campylobacter species is greatest in adults and older children. Treatment. Patients with Campylobacter infection should drink plenty of fluids as long as the diarrhea lasts to ...
Campylobacter (Campylobacteriosis) | Campylobacter | CDC › campylobacterPeople can get Campylobacter infection by eating raw or undercooked poultry or eating something that touched it. They can also get it from eating other foods, including seafood, meat, and produce, by contact with animals, and by drinking untreated water. Although people with Campylobacter infection usually recover on their own, some need antibiotic treatment.