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campylobacter jejuni motility

While the pathogenic mechanisms of C. jejuni are incompletely understood, it is known that flagellar motility is a primary virulence factor.
Campylobacter jejuni motility integrates specialized ... - PLOS › article › jou...
Campylobacter jejuni rotates a flagellum at each pole to swim through the viscous mucosa of its hosts' gastrointestinal tracts.
Peptidoglycan-Modifying Enzyme Pgp1 Is Required for ...
22.3.2012 · Campylobacter jejuni is a helical, highly motile, Gram-negative ε-Proteobacterium and a prevalent zoonotic organism existing asymptomatically in the intestinal tract of birds and other animal species [1] – [3]. However, ingestion of as few …
Campylobacter flagella: not just for motility
Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are among the major causes of diarrheal disease worldwide. The motility imparted by the polar flagella of these pathogens is required for colonization of the mucus lining of the gastrointestinal tract. However, recent studies have revealed a more complex r …
Campylobacter jejuni is a Gram-negative, motile, spiral-shaped bacterium, and a common cause of gastroenteritis in humans. The flagellum of C. jejuni, which confers motility and serves as a secretion system for the export of virulence proteins, is composed of a basal body, hook, and filament.
DNA Supercoiling Regulates the Motility of Campylobacter ... › pmc › articles
Sep 13, 2016 · Motility is known to be important for colonization , and one group has described how C. jejuni strains can adapt to growth in the avian gastrointestinal tract and that this adaption can result in clones with higher motility . We propose that the levels of DNA supercoiling are affected by chicken mucus and that this in turn leads to greater ...
Campylobacter jejuni - Wikipedia
Studies on the pathogenesis of C. jejuni show that for this organism to cause disease, the susceptibility of the host and the relative virulence of the infecting strain are both important. Infection results from the ingestion of contaminated food or water, and the infective dose can be as low as 800 organisms. To initiate infection, the organism must penetrate the gastrointestinal mucus, which it does using its high motility and spiral shape. The bacteria must then adhere to t…
Campylobacter jejuni motility integrates specialized cell ... › plospathogens › article
Jul 02, 2020 · Author summary Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. This species uses its helical body and opposing flagella to drill its way through the viscous mucosa of host organisms’ gastrointestinal tracts. In this work, we show that C. jejuni coordinates its two opposing flagella by wrapping the leading flagellum around the cell body when swimming in viscous ...
Review Campylobacter flagella: not just for motility - Science ... › pii
Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are among the major causes of diarrheal disease worldwide. The motility imparted by the polar flagella of these ...
Campylobacter jejuni Motility Is Required for Infection of ...
17.10.2014 · Previous studies have identified a specific modification of the capsular polysaccharide as receptor for phages that infect Campylobacter jejuni. Using acapsular kpsM mutants of C. jejuni strains NCTC11168 and NCTC12658, we found that bacteriophage F341 infects C. jejuni independently of the capsule.
Campylobacter jejuni motility and invasion of Caco-2 cells.
We investigated the influence of motility on Campylobacter jejuni binding and invasion of Caco-2 cells. C. jejuni was motile in soft agar at basic (pH 8.5) and neutral pH values representative of the intestinal environment. However, C. jejuni was immobilized at pH 5.0.
Campylobacter jejuni Motility Is Required for Infection of ... › doi › 10
Oct 17, 2014 · Campylobacter jejuni Motility Is Required for Infection of the Flagellotropic Bacteriophage F341 Authors : Signe Berg Baldvinsson , Martine C. Holst Sørensen , Christina S. Vegge , Martha R. J. Clokie , and Lone Brøndsted
Campylobacter jejuni motility and invasion of Caco-2 cells
Campylobacter jejuni motility and invasion of Caco-2 cells Abstract We investigated the influence of motility on Campylobacter jejuni binding and invasion of Caco-2 cells. C. jejuni was motile in soft agar at basic (pH 8.5) and neutral pH values representative of the intestinal environment. However, C. jejuni was immobilized at pH 5.0.
Experimental Evolution of Campylobacter jejuni Leads to Loss ... › full
jejuni results in the rapid loss of flagellar motility, which is an important colonization determinant of this pathogen. We further ...
Campylobacter jejuni Triggers Signaling through Host Cell ...
Campylobacter jejunirequires a motile flagellum and invasive ability to limit A549 individual cell motility. A549 cells were infected with the C. jejuniwild-type strain and the C. jejuniΔcheB, ΔflhF, and ΔflgLflagellar mutants.
Campylobacter jejuni motility and invasion of Caco-2 cells. › pmc › articles
We investigated the influence of motility on Campylobacter jejuni binding and invasion of Caco-2 cells. C. jejuni was motile in soft agar at basic (pH 8.5) and neutral pH values representative of the intestinal environment. However, C. jejuni was immobilized ...
Identification of Motility and Autoagglutination Campylobacter ... › articles
Although the mechanisms by which C. jejuni causes disease are unclear, the roles of motility, chemotaxis, and invasion have been partially established. The C.
Campylobacter jejuni: collective components promoting a ... › articles
Campylobacter jejuni is the leading cause of bacterial diarrhoeal ... how the flagellum affects motility and C. jejuni cellular biology and ...
Campylobacter jejuni motility integrates specialized cell ...
2.7.2020 · Campylobacter jejuni rotates a flagellum at each pole to swim through the viscous mucosa of its hosts’ gastrointestinal tracts. Despite their importance for host colonization, however, how C. jejuni coordinates rotation of these two opposing flagella is unclear.
Modulation of Campylobacter jejuni Motility, Adhesion to ...
Campylobacter jejuni is a major foodborne pathogen, and the LuxS-mediated quorum-sensing (QS) system influences its motility, biofilm formation, invasion, host colonization, and virulence. QS therefore represents a target for the control of C. jejuni.