Breaking change: Middleware: New Use overload - .NET › en-us › dotnetDec 2, 2021 · The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'UseExtensions.Use (IApplicationBuilder, Func<HttpContext, Func, Task>)' and 'UseExtensions.Use (IApplicationBuilder, Func<HttpContext, RequestDelegate, Task>)' To resolve the error, use app.Run instead of app.Use. For discussion, see GitHub issue dotnet/aspnetcore#32020.
.net - C# Error: The call is ambiguous between the following ... › questions › 7813798Sep 6, 2016 · No, it's got nothing to do with different namespaces - it's that you've got the same operator signature declared in two places: public static Dollar operator + (Euro eu, Dollar dol) public static Euro operator + (Euro eu, Dollar dol) The compiler doesn't know which one you want to call. To be honest, I don't think adding a dollar value to a Euro value makes much sense to start with - but even beyond that, having the same operation "adding dollars to Euros" should have a single logical result ...
c++ - Reference to ' ' is ambiguous - Stack Overflow › questions › 29387600Apr 1, 2015 · The proper way to call the function and passing the right values is this: y=function(g,m,s); This basically copies the values stored inside the main g,m,s variables into the g,m,s parameters, which are accessed inside the function and after the function has completed, it then copies the value stored inside the variable you "return" from the function (here z ) into the variable y .
Compiler Error CS0121 | Microsoft Learn › en-us › dotnetSep 15, 2021 · The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'method1' and 'method2' Due to implicit conversion, the compiler was not able to call one form of an overloaded method. You can resolve this error in one of the following ways: Specify the method parameters in such a way that implicit conversion does not take place.
c# - Setup method in Moq, ambiguous call - Stack Overflow › questions › 8461853Dec 11, 2011 · error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'Moq.Language.IReturns<Data.Contract.IMatchSetupRepository,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Data.Model.MatchSetup>>.Returns(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Data.Model.MatchSetup>)' and 'Moq.Language.IReturns<Data.Contract.IMatchSetupRepository,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Data.Model.MatchSetup>>.Returns(System.Func<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Data.Model.MatchSetup>>)'