California DMV renewing vehicle registration to changing your address, or driver’s license renewal (and much more), we’re continually adding new online services to meet your needs. See all online services …
Customer Service - California DMV › portal › customer-serviceGoogle™ Translate is a free third-party service, which is not controlled by the DMV. The DMV is unable to guarantee the accuracy of any translation provided by Google™ Translate and is therefore not liable for any inaccurate information or changes in the formatting of the pages resulting from the use of the translation application tool.
DMV Virtual Office - California DMV › portal › dmv-virtual-officeWhat Is DMV Virtual Office? You can conduct many DMV transactions online without going into a DMV office. Others can be started online using DMV’s Virtual Office. Through the Virtual Office, you can upload necessary documents to complete a transaction, and then a DMV customer service representative will review your documents and contact you ...