C1 Advanced - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › C1_AdvancedC1 Advanced is used for study, work and immigration purposes. It is designed to demonstrate that a candidate has achieved a high level of English ability which can be used in academic and professional contexts. [12] C1 Advanced is accepted globally by over 6,000 institutions. [13]
C1 Advanced | Cambridge Assessment
www.cambridgeenglish.org › c1-advancedC1 Advanced is a focused academic English exam, which shows that students have the English skills they need to succeed at college or university on undergraduate and postgraduate courses. This exam is the logical step in a student’s language-learning journey between B2 First and C2 Proficiency. Key facts
C1 Advanced - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C1_AdvancedC1 Advanced, previously known as Cambridge English: Advanced and the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), is an English language examination provided by Cambridge Assessment English (previously known as Cambridge English Language Assessment and University of Cambridge ESOL examination). C1 Advanced looks to prove high-level achievement in English, and is designed for learners prepar…