C "Hello, World!" Program
www.programiz.com › c-programming › examples#1: Getting Started with C Programming | C Programming for Beginners To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following C programming topics: C Input Output (I/O) Program to Display "Hello, World!" #include <stdio.h> int main() { // printf () displays the string inside quotation printf("Hello, World!"); return 0; } Run Code
Proper Hello World in C - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 12355758Sep 10, 2012 · May 20, 2015 at 19:28. Add a comment. 18. In C99 or C2011, you could use these five lines of code: #include <stdio.h> int main (void) { puts ("Hello World!"); } Since C99 (but not C89) allows you to omit the return 0; at the end, it returns a deterministic status of 0 (success) to the calling environment.