Etusivu - BusinessOulu
www.businessoulu.comBusinessOulu edistää kaupungin elinvoimaa luomalla menestymisen mahdollisuuksia alueelle, asukkaille ja yrityksille. Palvelemme yrityksiä toiminnan ja toimintaympäristön kehittämisessä ja autamme työnhakijoita työllistymään sekä kehittämään osaamistaan.
BusinessOulu | Company database › en › businessouluBusinessOulu is responsible for activities concerning municipal employment support as well as organising services for employers and employees. The employment services are produced through a multi-disciplinary model in partnership with companies, subdivisions of the city administration, and other operators, such as the third sector.
BusinessU - High School Business Courses
www.businessu.orgBusinessU provides standards-aligned, turn-key, high school business courses that include interactive project-based and multi-media content, and auto-graded assessments. BusinessU is also fully customizable, is fully integrated with leading LMS platforms, and works on all browsers and devices.