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bulgaria eu

Bulgaria - Wikipedia › wiki › Bulg...
Bulgaria is a member of the European Union, NATO, and the Council of Europe; it is also a founding member of the OSCE, and has taken a seat on the United ...
Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Greece-Bulgaria 2014 ...
This year the celebration of the European Cooperation Day (EC-Day) of the CP INTERREG VA “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” moved to the border line of Greece & ...
Bulgaria – Wikipedia
Bulgaria (bulg. България, Bălgarija), virallisesti Bulgarian tasavalta (bulg. Република България, Republika Bălgarija) on valtio Balkanilla Kaakkois-Euroopassa. Se sijaitsee Mustanmeren rannalla, ja sen rajanaapureita ovat Kreikka ja Turkki etelässä, Serbia ja Pohjois-Makedonia lännessä ja Romania pohjoisessa. Bulgarian pääkaupunki on Sofia. Maassa on noin 7 miljoonaa asu…
EU-, Eta-, Efta- ja Schengen-maat - Tulli › tietoa-tullista › tullin-toiminta › eu-eta-e...
Euroopan unioni (EU) on jäsenmaidensa muodostama taloudellinen ja ... joista se on laajentunut kattamaan lähes kaikki EU-maat. ... Bulgaria, Bulgaria.
Partnership Agreement with Bulgaria – 2021-2027 - European …
Partnership Agreements on EU funds 2021-2027. First published on. 06 July 2022. Agreement between the European Commission and Bulgaria on funding through European Regional …
Bulgarialainen Eu-korruptiota tutkinut toimittaja murhattiin
9.10.2018 · Bulgarian sijoitus lehdistönvapaudessa on Toimittajat ilman rajoja -järjestön mukaan 111:s eli alhaisempi kuin yhdelläkään muulla EU-valtiolla. Listan kärjessä on nykyään Norja, …
Bulgaria - European Union
La Bulgaria è una repubblica parlamentare. Il capo di governo, il primo ministro, ricopre la più alta carica esecutiva. Il capo di Stato, il presidente, detiene prevalentemente poteri rappresentativi, …
Bulgaria sticks to plan to adopt the euro in 2024 amid ... › markets › europe
May 27, 2022 · Bulgaria is one of the least indebted countries in the EU, but it has been running fiscal deficits of about 3% since 2020, while surge in energy and food prices have pushed annual inflation to...
Bulgaria - European Union › bulgaria_fi
Pääkaupunki: Sofia ; Viralliset EU-kielet: bulgaria ; EU:n jäsenmaa: 1.1.2007 alkaen ; Rahayksikkö: Bulgarian lev (BGN); Bulgaria on sitoutunut ottamaan euron ...
Bulgaria and the European Union | Oxford Research ... › politics › view
May 24, 2018 · Published online: 24 May 2018 Summary Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007, yet neither its road to membership nor its time in the Union have been easy. In the 1990s and 2000s, the accession process provided an impetus for political and economic reforms, but the EU’s famed transformative power worked unevenly.
EU-puheenjohtajamaa Bulgaria haluaa lähentää Länsi ... › Ajankohtaista › Uutinen
Kun Viron puolivuotiskausi Euroopan unionin puheenjohtajamaana päättyy vuodenvaihteessa, tarttuu viestikapulaan Bulgaria. Maa toimii EU- ...
Bulgaria - European Union
1.1.2007 · Viralliset EU-kielet: bulgaria. EU:n jäsenmaa: 1.1.2007 alkaen. Rahayksikkö: Bulgarian lev (BGN); Bulgaria on sitoutunut ottamaan euron käyttöön, kun se täyttää …
Bulgaria - Wikipedia
Neanderthal remains dating to around 150,000 years ago, or the Middle Paleolithic, are some of the earliest traces of human activity in the lands of modern Bulgaria. Remains from Homo sapiens found there are dated c. 47,000 years BP. This result represents the earliest arrival of modern humans in Europe. The Karanovo culture arose circa 6,500 BC and was one of several Ne…
Bulgaria - European Union › bulgaria_en
Jan 01, 2007 · The most important sectors of Bulgaria’s economy in 2020 were wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services (21.4%), industry (20.4%) and public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities (16.7%). Intra-EU trade accounts for 66% of Bulgaria’s exports (Germany 16%, Romania 9% and Italy 7%), while outside the EU 6% go to Turkey and 3% to China.
Bulgaria - Wikipedia › wiki › Bulgaria
Bulgaria (/ b ʌ l ˈ ɡ ɛər i ə, b ʊ l-/ ; Bulgarian: България, romanized: Balgariya), officially the Republic of Bulgaria, is a country in Southeast Europe. It is situated on the eastern flank of the Balkans , and is bordered by Romania to the north, Serbia and North Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, and the Black Sea to the east.
Euroopan unioni – Wikipedia
Euroopan unioni (EU) on 27 eurooppalaisen jäsenvaltion muodostama taloudellinen ja poliittinen liitto. Euroopan unioni perustettiin sopimuksella Euroopan unionista Maastrichtissa vuonna …
Countries in the EU and EEA - GOV.UK › eu-eea
The European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) - which countries are ... Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, ...
Bulgaria: matkustustiedote - Ulkoministeriö › matkustustiedote
Mikäli Euroopan unionin ulkopuolisessa kohdemaassa ei ole Suomen edustustoa, voit kääntyä muiden EU-maiden edustustojen puoleen.
Bulgaria - European Union
1.1.2007 · The most important sectors of Bulgaria’s economy in 2020 were wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services (21.4%), industry (20.4%) and public …
EU-jäsenmaat - Eurooppatiedotus
28 riviä · 7.1.2022 · Euroopan unioni on kasvanut useiden laajentumiskierrosten myötä. EU-jäsenmaita on nyt 27 (Iso-Britannian EU-ero 1.2.2020 alkaen). Kaikki EU:n jäsenvaltiot …
Bulgaria's European awakening › article › bulgarias-eur...
Bulgaria's reformist government may have fallen, but this is a ... Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov wave National and EU flags as they.