Building, from scratch, a worldwide operating Strategic Business Unit (functional areas: project management, clinical development, international [...] medical communications, international marketing, domestic marketing & sales management); leading one of the most successful new product launches of the German pharmaceutical industry (pantoprazole)
build from scratch - German translation – Linguee DeepL Translator Dictionary Open menu Linguee English German ä ö ü ß Translate text Translate files Dictionary English-German build ( sth.) v — …
A house with a floor space of 100 m² ca n be built from scratch in 1 0 hours including all installations, doors, windows and a roof. Ein unverputztes Haus mit 100 m² Wohnfläche kann bereits in 1 0 Stunden inklusive aller Installationen, Türen, Fenster und Dach entstehen.
These conditions are uncommon and hard to create from scratch. 16 Antworten. to cook from scratch, Letzter Beitrag: 24 Nov. 08, 14:38. I grow some of my own ...
According to the World Bank, the funding gap for small and medium enterprises (SME’s) is $ 2,6 trillion. There are approximately 125 million (SME’s), or 95% of global companies, which respond …
[ohne Fertigerzeugnisse zubereitet] gastr. If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. [Carl Sagan] · Sollten ...
Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "built it from scratch" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. built it from scratch - Deutsch …
Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für make Sth up from scratch im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
to cook from scratch: Last post 24 Nov 08, 14:38: I grow some of my own food and cook from scratch. Wie übersetze ich "cook from scratch"? 2 Replies: To cook from scratch: Last post 17 Sep 15, 16:27: to cook from scratch - gerade in einem Blog über gesundes Essen gelesen danke!! 16 Replies: to do sth. from scratch: Last post 21 Jan 10, 21:11
Combining an old building with a new one is very complex, of course, and not as easy to plan as creating a new build from scratch. Mettere insieme una costruzione antica e una nuova è un intervento davvero complesso e non si può pianificare con la stessa facilità di un edificio costruito interamente da zero .
Building a home from scratch can be both exciting and challenging. It was a firm that he had started from scratch. See full dictionary entry for scratch.
u. a. ein Blechbiegegerät und eine Strahlkabine. This applies particularly for new. [...] development areas, where the whole infrastructure has t o be build up from scratch, and in this way parallel developments and ex-post installations. [...] as well as changes can be avoided.
from scratch — von Grund auf · ganz von vorne scratch n — Kratzer m · Schramme f · Ritz m · Gekritzel nt · Kratzwunde f scratch ( sth.) v — kratzen v · sich Akk kratzen v · etw. Akk …