Prism - BTE › evaluation-testing › prismConsistent pull strength testing using BTE Prism Prism benefits your clients and your business We are committed to providing clinically superior evaluation solutions. Learn how BTE raises the bar with precise measurement, data-driven reporting, and the highest degree of repeatability. Evidence-based Practice Research and Education Clinic Outcomes
Functional Evaluations that make a difference, › lit › collateralThe BTE Difference... BTE’s Functional Range of Motiontests offer positional tolerance and time-motion testing that has been scientifically researched. Clinicians can accurately match the position requirements of a worker’s environment, and compare worker capabilities to MTM standards that address the variances of real work.
Briotix Health | BTE Employment Testing › bte-employment-testingThe BTE FCE is an important part of the decision support process. It includes the employer, claims adjusters, physicians, and therapists – all working together. Relying on objective BTE evaluation data to determine medical treatment authorization, return to work, and apportionment eligibility in applicable jurisdictions.
Training Courses - BTE › support-and-trainingAll new BTE systems come with training courses to help your clinic get the most out of your equipment. Your BTE representative will install the new system and provide basic instructions in your clinic. After the installation, your staff are invited to our training facility in Hanover, Maryland for a two-day, in-person training course.
FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY EVALUATIONS - Advanced Physical Therapy CT › functional-capacityAdvanced Physical Therapy provides the most advanced functional testing available with a state of the art BTE EvalTech computerized testing system. Specific testing available includes Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE’s), Return-to-Work (RTW) assessments, Occupational Disability Evals, and Physical Job Demands Analysis. The BTE EvalTech computerized testing system provides an objective, reliable, and legally defensible documentation measurement of function following injury or disability.