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british council teaching assistant

Employ a language assistant at your school ... - British Council › employ-language-assistant
The British Council can help you with the process involved in selecting and hosting a language assistant. Introduce a modern foreign language assistant to your classroom to enhance language learning and enrich pupil experience. With our flexible options and support, we want language assistants to work for you.
Employ a language assistant at your school, college or ... › emp...
Photo of a modern language assistant in the classroom ... The British Council can help you with the process involved in selecting and hosting a language ...
Become a language assistant | British Council › language-assistant
As an English Language Assistant, you will strengthen your CV, improve your fluency in another language, gain a number of skills including communication, presentation, time management, organisation, teamwork, and problem-solving, immerse yourself in another culture and improve your cultural awareness and develop professional confidence.
Teach English as a Language Assistant in Germany › ger...
Assistants will receive a grant of approximately €850 net per month. Please note that our overseas partners and employing institutions are ultimately ...
Prepare for your placement - The English Language Assistant ... › pre...
Costs involved. Although there is no fee to work as an English Language Assistant through the British Council, and you will be paid a monthly ...
About the assistantship | British Council › abo...
We offer the opportunity to teach English overseas on a paid six-month or one-year placement working as a Language Assistant.
Teach English as a Language Assistant in France › france
You must be aged 35 or under on 1 October 2023; have B1-level French. As well as fulfilling all the general eligibility criteria, please note ...
How to apply to be an English Language Assistant › apply
Read our step-by-step guide on how to apply for a placement as an English Language Assistant and complete your application.
Teach abroad as an English Language Assistant | British ……
VerkkoEvery year we send around 2,500 English Language Assistants from the UK to support the teaching of English in 14 destinations around the world. Sign up for the newsletter …
Become a Modern Language Assistant in the UK › teac...
You will get the chance to experience teaching in the UK, develop your English language skills and gain important transferable skills to help you in your career ...
Teach abroad as an English Language Assistant | British Council › study-work-abroad › outside
Established in 1905, the British Council’s English Language Assistants (ELA) programme is a major UK mobility initiative that offers paid teaching placements abroad, providing the perfect opportunity to travel, teach and gain invaluable experiences along the way. Every year we send around 2,500 English Language Assistants from the UK to ...
Teach English as a Language Assistant in Spain › spain
Language Assistants in Spain work approximately 14-16 hours per week depending on the post. This will be confirmed in the nombramiento ( ...
TeachingEnglish | British Council
Welcome to TeachingEnglish Be part of the world’s largest online English teaching community. TeachingEnglish is a global programme for English teachers and teacher educators, drawing on UK and local expertise, and the unique insight and experience of the British Council.
British Council Teaching Assistant Salaries | Glassdoor › Salary › British-Council
Mar 23, 2023 · The typical British Council Teaching Assistant salary is £17,168 per year. Teaching Assistant salaries at British Council can range from £13,060 - £21,000 per year. This estimate is based upon 7 British Council Teaching Assistant salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods.
TeachingEnglish | British Council
VerkkoTeachingEnglish is a global programme for English teachers and teacher educators, drawing on UK and local expertise, and the unique insight and experience of the British Council. Build your professional network, …
Where can I go as an English Language Assistant? › cou...
Placements are available for English Language Assistants in 14 destinations around the world.. Below you will find an overview of the types ...
Teach abroad as an English Language Assistant › engl...
About the assistantship. We offer the opportunity to teach English overseas on a paid six-month or one-year placement working as a Language Assistant.
Become a language assistant | British Council…
VerkkoAs an English Language Assistant, you will strengthen your CV, improve your fluency in another language, gain a number of skills including communication, presentation, time management, organisation, …
About the assistantship | British Council › study-work-abroad › outside
As an English Language Assistant, you will: strengthen your CV. improve your fluency in another language. gain a number of skills including communication, presentation, time management, organisation, teamwork, and problem-solving. immerse yourself in another culture and improve your cultural awareness. develop professional confidence.