Alphabet song | LearnEnglish Kids a go. O is for octopus, P for Poland, Q for question and R for roll. And S for spoon and T for tap, U for underpants. What are you laughing at? o, p, q, r, s, t, u, O, P, Q, R, …
Alphabet song - LearnEnglish Kids - British Council › ...a, b, c, d, e, f, g,. A, B, C, D, E, F, G. ... H is for hammer and I for ice, J for jelly that wobble, wobble, wobbles. K for king, L for lady, M for magic and N ...
The Alphabet | TeachingEnglish | British Council › level-1 › alphabetI: an ice-cream, an iguana, an island J: a jumper, a jacket, jump K: a kite, a kettle, a knife L: a light, left, large M: a mouse, money, a man N: a nose, a nurse, a nest O: an orange, old, on P: a park, a person, a pool Q: a queen, a queue, quick R: a roof, a rabbit, rain S: sugar, sea, sand T: a tractor, a train, trousers