Bulk Pickup | Wall Township, NJ - Official Website
https://www.wallnj.com/310Bulk Pickup Contact Us: (732) 449-2700 Your bulk items will be collected once a month either on a Thursday or a Friday. To see your designated bulk pick up day (as well as household trash and recycling days) please visit our interactive map. This interactive map allows you to simply type in your address to determine your collections days.
brick township bulk pickup - fetalcaredallas.com
www.fetalcaredallas.com › docs › pu9ynNov 06, 2020 · <p>March 23, 2020 thru March 27,2020 and October 12, 2020 thru October 16,2020. Use is limited to disposal of personal property household items generated by a major cleanup or in preparation for transfer of ownership. Director of Public Works </p> <p>may be placed curbside. FurnitureFurniture small enough to be dismantled and put in your automated cart may be disposed of with household garbage ...
Public Works | Township of Brick
www.bricktownship.net › index › departmentsPublic Works can be reached by phone at 732-451-4060 or by fax at 732-458-0757. Brick Township Recycling Center The Brick Township Recycling Center is available for citizens Monday through Saturday, 8am – 3:30pm. It is located at 836 Ridge Road. The facility is available for citizens to dispose of bulk items, metals and recyclables.