English news and easy articles for students of English
www.newsinlevels.comIn World War II, Winston Churchill is a leader of the UK. Now many people remember his role in the... Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Man Lived in the Woods for 27 Years 06-02-2023 15:00 One man from the USA lived alone for a... Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Mexico’s first woman astronaut 06-02-2023 07:00 Katya Echazarreta is born in Mexico. She moves to...
Breaking News English | CEFR - News Levels
breakingnewsenglish.com › news_levelsAll levels have a graded news reading and listening (the same text at 5 speeds), a printable PDF, speed reading, and many online quizzes and activities. Levels 3 and 6 are BIG lessons - a 27-Page PDF, a 2-page mini handout, more online activities, dictation, vocabulary quizzes, etc. More Speed Reading 5-Speed Listening Mini Lessons Dictation