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biology vocabulary list

Biology vocabulary, Biology word list - › word-list › biology--vocabulary
Biology Vocabulary Word List (267) A) Absorption, Achromatic, Adaptation, Aerobic, Algae, Alimentary, Allergy, Amoeba, Amphibian, Analogue, Anatomy, Ancestor, Antibody, Appendage, Aquatic, Arboreal, Asexual, Assimilation, Atrophy, Auditory B) Backbone, Bacteria, Balance, Barrier, Benign, Biology, Biome, Bisect, Botany, Branch, Breathe C)
Biology - Vocabulary List | › lists › 56009
Jun 02, 2011 · the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms. cell membrane. a thin membrane enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell. cell wall. a rigid layer of polysaccharides enclosing a plant membrane. chromosome. a threadlike strand of DNA that carries genes. cytoplasm.
Biology Words - Vocabulary List |
15.3.2012 · a substance used to kill microorganisms and cure infections. antigen. any substance that stimulates an immune response in the body. appendicular skeleton. the part of the …
Biology vocabulary, Biology word list - › word-list › biology-vocabulary
Biology Vocabulary Word List (267) A) Absorption, Achromatic, Adaptation, Aerobic, Algae, Alimentary, Allergy, Amoeba, Amphibian, Analogue, Anatomy, Ancestor, Antibody, Appendage, Aquatic, Arboreal, Asexual, Assimilation, Atrophy, Auditory B) Backbone, Bacteria, Balance, Barrier, Benign, Biology, Biome, Bisect, Botany, Branch, Breathe C)
Vocabulary Words for Biology › stcroixlutheranorg
(Vocabulary words that will be covered in Biology for the year – this list does not include all the vocabulary words but includes many of the important ones ...
Biology Vocabulary List Flashcards - Quizlet › Science › Biology
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Carbohydrate, Protein, Amino Acid and more.
High School Biology Vocabulary Words - List of Biology Terms
Unlike high school biology books which introduce a plethora of words in each chapter, the comprehensive biology word lists below are presented in digestible sections. The corresponding …
Biology Vocabulary List Flashcards | Quizlet
Carbohydrate. compound made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms; major source of energy for the human body. Protein. macromolecule that contains carbon, hydrogen, …
Glossary of biology - Wikipedia › wiki › Gloss...
This glossary of biology terms is a list of definitions of fundamental terms and concepts used in biology, the study of life and of living organisms.
Biology: terms used in biology Word Lists - Collins Dictionary › b...
Biology: terms used in biology: aerobic, agglutination, albino, allele or allelomorph, anaerobic | Collins English Word Lists.
Biology - Vocabulary List |
2.6.2011 · the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms. cell membrane. a thin membrane enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell. cell wall. a rigid layer of polysaccharides enclosing …
Biology vocabulary - Vocabulary List | › lists › 32639
Sep 09, 2010 · cell division that produces reproductive cells. . cellular structure with analogous function to the human skeleton; maintains cell shape. _______ 2. protein that changes the rate of a chemical reaction and is involved in nearly all metabolic processes. _______ 3. disease-causing, non-living particle composed of an inner core of nucleic acids surrounded by a capsid and can reproduce only when they are inside a host cell.
Biology vocabulary - Vocabulary List |
9.9.2010 · any of the forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus. . cellular structure with analogous function to the human skeleton; maintains cell shape. _______ 2. protein that …
Biology Words - Vocabulary List › lists
Full list of words from this list: · abdomen. the region of the body between the thorax and the pelvis · abiogenesis. a hypothetical organic ...
YEAR 6 BIOLOGY VOCAB LIST - Westbourne House School › default › files
YEAR 6 BIOLOGY VOCAB – Organs and nutrition module. WORD. MEANING. Artery. Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.
biology - Vocabulary List |
29.9.2011 · Five kingdoms: Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protista, and Monera (bacteria). Animalia. taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals. Plantae and Animalia. Fungi. the …
Understanding Difficult Biology Words - ThoughtCo › difficult...
Difficult biology words and terms can be made easy to understand by becoming familiar with common prefixes and suffixes used in biology.
Complete List of Biology Terms › comple...
Complete List of Biology Terms · A. Abdomen · Abdominal Cavity · Abiogenesis · B Bacteria · Bacterial Conjugation · Barr Body · C Calmodulin · Calvin Cycle · CAM ...
Biology vocabulary, Biology word list -
Biology Vocabulary Word List (267) Ecology, Ecosystem, Ectoplasm, Edema, Embryo, Endangered, Endemic, Endoskeleton, Endothermic, Energy, Environment, Enzyme, …
Complete List of Biology Terms | Biology Dictionary
18.12.2016 · Bioinformatics. Bioluminescence. Biomechanics. Biomimicry. Biophysics. Biopsy. Biotic Factors. Bipedalism. Blastocyst.
Biology - Vocabulary List |
24.9.2010 · relating to or consisting of or characterized by macromolecules. They receive genetic information from messenger RNA molecules, which are copies of the gene sequence, and …
Biology Vocabulary List Vocabulary List.pdf
Biology Vocabulary List A b i oti c → n on l i v i n g f a ctor s of a n ecosy stem A b u n d a n ce → T h e n u mb er of or g a n i sms/ i n d i v i d u a l s i n a n a r ea
Odyssey HIgH sCHOOL BIOLOgy VOCaBuLary › Centricity › Domain
Odyssey HIgH sCHOOL BIOLOgy VOCaBuLary. These are the vocabulary words and definitions used throughout the Biology course. They are listed in alphabetical.
Biology Words - Vocabulary List | › lists › 143915
Mar 15, 2012 · the total amount of living matter in a given unit area. biome. major ecological community with distinct climate and flora. biosynthesis. production of a chemical compound by a living organism. bivalve. marine or freshwater mollusks having a soft body with platelike gills enclosed within two shells hinged together.