Etusivu | Sokeva
https://sokeva.fiSokevan ratkaisu: BioComb Puhdas Katto Extra Strong Katseet kääntyvät nyt katoille – oletko valmis? Kyllä, katon puhdistus sammalesta ja muusta vihreästä voi käydä kalliiksi – ainakin jos …
Package ‘Biocomb’ › web › packagesBiocomb-package 3 Description Functions to make the data analysis with the emphasis on biological data. They can deal with both numerical and nominal features. Biocomb includes functions for several feature ranking, feature selection algorithms. The feature ranking is based on several criteria: information gain, symmetri-
BioComb Honeycomb
biocomb.comPremium Quality Honeycomb. BioComb is harvested from the cleanest mountain regions of Bulgaria, hand cut and boxed with no additional treatment or processing. It is the rawest form of honey available, directly from the honeybee hive. Naturally fat free, cholesterol free, sodium free, and gluten free. BioComb is innovative, delicious and fully ...