BIM Library - Alspec / CAD Library. To ensure project compatibility and integration, the team uses the latest in software tools during the specification process. These include Building Information Modelling (BIM) Solutions, Revit and ArchiCAD software. BIM is used to design and model every detail of a building, allowing design options to be explored as well as ...
NBS National BIM Library - free-to-use BIM objects › en-auNBS National BIM Library is the fastest-growing global BIM library, with an extensive collection of high-quality generic and manufacturer BIM objects ranging from building fabric systems to mechanical and electrical services. Free to download and for use on projects around the world, we review all NBS National BIM Library data regularly to ...
BIM Library – Fienza Library Fienza has partnered with Australia’s leading BIM content creation provider, IGS BIM Solutions, to develop an efficient and functional Revit content library for selected products in our range. This high quality library makes it easier for designers, architects and builders to specify and document Fienza products. Fienza’s Revit content library
Doors - NBS National BIM Library › en-au › doorsDoors (. 854. ) Door systems are usually fabricated off site and can meet performance criteria for, e.g. fire, security, acoustic and thermal requirements. Doors are available with a number of opening size, glazing configuration and hardware accessory options. Door leaves can be single or double; if double, leaves can be of equal or unequal widths.
BIM Library - Alspec › bim-libraryBIM / CAD Library. To ensure project compatibility and integration, the team uses the latest in software tools during the specification process. These include Building Information Modelling (BIM) Solutions, Revit and ArchiCAD software. BIM is used to design and model every detail of a building, allowing design options to be explored as well as ...
NATSPEC BIM - Object Libraries › resources › bim-topicsNational BIM Object Library Report. This report summarises the results of an international survey on national object libraries conducted by NATSPEC in conjunction with Konrad Stuhlmacher of Dr. Schiller & Partner GmbH. The survey is part of the research for a project to develop a National BIM object library for Australia.