APS Stamp Identifier
countryid.stamps.orgThe World Stamp Identifer is a free, interactive tool which helps you identify many of the harder to recognize stamps. This search allows you to find a key word or term from the stamp in …
Stamp ID Pro: Collect Stamps 4+ - App Store
apps.apple.com › us › appStamp ID Pro currently contains over 1,400 US postage, air mail and postage due stamp variations from 1847 to 1963, and new stamps are being continually added. The identification wizard walks you through step by step on how to identify each stamp and includes attributes such as: • Paper Types • Perforations • Secret Marks • Color Variations
Best Apps for Identifying the Value of Your Stamp …
AppGrooves has the best coupons, promo codes & discounts for saving money on mobile apps like Best Apps for Identifying the Value of Your Stamp Collection. Whether you have inherited a stamp collection or you have been collecting for years, the right stamps can earn you a lot of money. We'll show you how to do it using simple smartphone apps..
Stamp Identifier on the App Store
apps.apple.com › us › appQuick , accurate identification! I love this app. It can identify more than 95 % of stamps no matter where the are from. The app often gives information about the meaning or message of the stamp. In the rare instance a stamp is not recognized the stamp can often be identified with Google lens. The app can be used free but you have to watch adds.