This may not be as much as you'd hoped to get, but your likelihood of selling the item increases dramatically. First, pawnshops are better able to sell antiques ...
Without any doubt, Etsy is the best place to sell antiques online. Besides, you can also try other platforms like ArtFire and eBay to sell them. There are other ...
5.10.2022 · 21 Places to Sell Antiques OfferUp (Promote your products for $1.99) OfferUp Summary List and sell your items for free Promote your listing from just $1.99 Low service fee of …
20.7.2022 · 10 best places to sell antiques near you There are many great places to sell antiques near you. Here are 10 of the best: 1. Antique shops If you’re looking for an antique shop to sell …
TIAS is a venue for antiques and collectibles. It costs $39.95 a month (on a month to month basis). From their site: “If your total sales for one month on result in a monthly 10% …
19.9.2022 · Ruby Lane is arguably the most popular marketplace dedicated to antiques. Though many dealers succeed on Ruby Lane, the site is highly curated, and it’s more challenging to get …
12.12.2019 · Consider these ideas for selling your antiques : 01 of 05 Sell Online Ruby Lane There are a number of different options for selling online these days. Some people still swear by …
Jul 16, 2022 · Before you bring your antiques to local shops, consider these other places for selling your antiques. In This Article Where to Sell Antiques 1. Etsy 2. Bonanza 3. OfferUp 4. Ruby Lane 5. ArtFire 6. eBay 7. Craigslist 8. Flea Markets 9. Facebook 10. eBid 11. Consignment Stores 12. Yard Sales 13. Pawn Shops 14. Local Antique Shops 15. Auction Houses
Jul 20, 2022 · Antique malls. If you’re looking for a place to sell antiques near you, there are several options available. Antique malls are a popular choice, as they offer a wide variety of vendors in one place. You can also check out local flea markets or online marketplaces.
Where to Sell Antiques Online · eBay - A Huge Customer Base · Etsy - Perfect for Creating a Brand · Ruby Lane - Good for High Value Antiques · TIAS - Great for Lots ...
Where to sell vintage items online and in real life. · Good ol' eBay . · Etsy. · TIAS. · Ruby Lane Ruby Lane is a bit more persnickety about what you can list.
2.5.2018 · Besides eBay, collectors' favorite online marketplaces include Bonanza, Etsy, Craigslist, Ruby Lane, Webstore, and Artfire. Some of these stores, like Etsy and ArtFire, feature mostly …
Oct 05, 2022 · Flea markets are also a great place to sell your antiques. You can locate nearby stationary flea markets and rent a space there. There are also traveling flea markets that may visit your area. If you’re up for some adventure, joining a traveling flea market can also work.