How to choose the best chart or graph for your data › blog › productsJul 23, 2019 · What’s the best chart to show composition? Composition questions ask what general features are present in the data set. Donut and pie charts are great choices to show composition when simple proportions are useful. Area charts put the composition of data within the context of trends over time. Stacked bar, percent, and column charts show an overview of the data’s composition.
How to Choose the Best Types of Charts For Your Data › blog › how-to-choose-the-best-chartsOct 20, 2021 · At best, properly styled charts can make your infographics clearer and more persuasive. At worst, poorly designed charts can be misleading, create confusion, undermine the credibility of the author. If you’re interested, check out how bad chart design was used in the media to skew data during the 2016 U.S. election. To make sure you create charts that are clear, accessible, and 100% above board, let’s review some chart design best practices.