Chuck Berry | Biography, Songs, & Facts | Britannica › biography › Chuck-BerryDec 28, 2023 · Chuck Berry (born October 18, 1926, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.—died March 18, 2017, St. Charles county, Missouri) American singer, songwriter, and guitarist who was one of the most popular and influential performers in rhythm-and-blues and rock-and-roll music in the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s.
Chuck Berry - Wikipedia Edward Anderson Berry (October 18, 1926 – March 18, 2017) was an American singer, guitarist and songwriter who pioneered rock and roll. Nicknamed the "Father of Rock and Roll", he refined and developed rhythm and blues into the major elements that made rock and roll distinctive with … See more
Chuck Berry – Wikipedia Edward Anderson ”Chuck” Berry (18. lokakuuta 1926 Saint Louis, Missouri – 18. maaliskuuta 2017) oli yhdysvaltalainen kitaristi, laulaja ja lauluntekijä. Berry oli rock and roll -musiikin tärkeimpiä kehittäjiä suosionsa huipulla vuosina 1955–1958, ja hän on kirjoittanut monta klassikoksi noussutta laulua, kuten ”Johnny B. Goode”. Rolling Stone -lehti sijoitti hänet vuonna 200…
Chuck Berry
http://www.chuckberry.comWebChuck's 95th Birthday / Live From Blueberry Hill. Today — on Chuck Berry’s 95th birthday — Dualtone Records announces the December 17 release of Live From Blueberry Hill, an indelible document of the rock & …
Chuck Berry
http://www.chuckberry.comTake a riveting ride on the Chuck Berry train exploring the life, the legend, the music, and the man who is regularly credited as the father of rock and roll.