Restaurants Benny & Co. Poulet & Côtes Levées - Benny & Co.
www.benny-co.comOffrir le meilleur poulet d’une catégorie supérieure et les meilleurs produits, voilà la devise de l’entreprise. Benny & Co. a développé plusieurs alternatives santé: le client peut ainsi remplacer ses frites par un riz aromatisé au poulet, de la purée de pommes de terre, des légumes vapeur ou une salade jardinière ou César.
FAQ - Benny & Co. chicken & spare ribs restaurants › en › faqThe Rôtisserie Benny and Au Coq brands are independent chains that no longer belongs to the Benny family, but to the Foodtastic group. Benny&Co. is the largest and only family-owned rotisserie chain in Canada. Our sixty (and +) restaurants are all operated by Benny family members of the 2nd or 3rd generation.
Benny & Co. chicken & spare ribs restaurants - Benny & Co. › enMaster Roasters Since 1960. Benny & Co. chicken is slow roasted to perfection with an exclusive three-hour process. The company’s motto: offer the best possible chicken of the highest calibre along with other products of the highest quality. Benny & Co. has developed a variety of healthy alternatives: clients can substitute fries for chicken ...