Let's say you have a stamp like this: To optimise the results of your search and to make it more precise, we recommend narrowing its criteria. For instance, instead of flag 34c searching for …
I · Value €: – ; 60 pf., blue green ; I, Germany Bavaria postage stamp plate flaw White dot above farmer's left foot. White dot above farmer's left foot. ; I ...
Helping to identify your stamps, find out their value and sell them. 🔎💵 Looking for a stamp freistaat bayern? Helping to identify your stamps, find out their value and sell them. Find Your …
Catalog Value Euro 2,800+, Unsold. Lot #1242. BAVARIA 1850 3kr blue, plate 3, coghweel canc. "217" (Munich), an exceptional stamp showing portions of ...
Postage issued for domestic use in the 1800s usually featured the value in a large size, surrounded by scrolls, emblems, or crests at each of the corners. In ...
King Ludwig III stamps of 1914-18 overprinted Freistaat Bayern in letterpress. 25 August – 22 December 1919. For wounded war veterans. 17 December 1919 – 4 March 1920. King Ludwig …
You might find that the stamps in your collection of significant catalog value are worth much less than you believed. "Buy the best you can afford," isn't just a casually tossed-off phrase, but …
The new stamps were all overprinted with "Freistaat / Bayern". The yellow green stamp was re-valued to 1.25 Mk., the orange stamp was re-valued to 1,50 Mk., and the blue stamp was …
17.2.2020 · Stamps Stamps from Germany, Bayern Postage stamps have existed since 1840. All countries issue stamps and many of them use stamps as a way to publicise their culture or …
16.4.2018 · English: Postage stamps of Bavaria, Kingdom (1848-1914), and Republic (1919-1920). Deutsch: Briefmarken des Königreich Bayern (1848-1914) sowie der Republik Bayern …
Germany Stamps Identification and Value Guide Overview of the Germania Series The Germania issues of 1900 to 1922 are Germany's longest running definitive stamp series. The issues …
Bavaria : Stamps : Years List . Buy, sell, trade and exchange collectibles easily with Colnect collectors community. Only Colnect automatically matches collectibles you want with …
Stamp:jUsed German State/Bavaria (Bayern) 1880’s Embossed 10pf Carmine Stamp rar. $450.00 ... GERMANY, BAVARIA, SCOTT # 45, 50pf. VALUE BROWN 1878 COAT OF ARMS ...
Type III stamps were issued in May 1911, only 3, 5 and 10 pfennig stamps exist of this type. All Marks denominations: Types I and II: Type I: first vertical line of letter N of BAYERN touching bottom frame, serifs of numerals 1 in 1911 barely visible. Type II: first vertical line of letter N of BAYERN separated from bottom frame,
Helping to identify your stamps, find out their value and sell them. 🔎💵 Looking for a stamp freistaat bayern? Helping to identify your stamps, find out their ...
The lower Mark values featured a Madonna and Child. The high Mark values featured Friedrich August von Kaulbach's (1850-1920) "Genius", which was a symbolic ...
Let's say you have a stamp like this: To optimise the results of your search and to make it more precise, we recommend narrowing its criteria. For instance, instead of flag 34c searching for flag 34c USA united we stand 2001 will help you to find the desirable stamp quicker.