Ballas, G. | Tethys › author › ballas-gStressor. Receptor. Wave Climate and Coastline Response of the Dutch Coast: Investigating the effect of large-scale offshore wind farm developments in the North Sea. Ballas, G. November 2018. Thesis. Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind. Changes in Flow. Physical Environment, Sediment Transport.
The Ballast-Check 2 has a set threshold value of 10 cells per ml. When the measured Abundance of algae is greater than or equal to the set threshold, this indicates a high risk that algae may be in gross exceedance of the discharge standard. Activity of Algae Ballast-Check 2 uses two measuring LEDs to estimate photosynthetic efficiency (viability).
BALLAST CHECK 2 TEST KIT - Wilhelmsen › ballast-check-2-test-kit2 days ago · BALLAST CHECK 2 TEST KIT. Product group: 669. Product number: 777848. Ballast-Check 2 is a multiple turnover Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometer that provides a rapid, indicative analysis of the Abundance and Activity of algae in ballast water samples. The instrument is configured to provide ship operators with a rapid, indicative ...