Run Your Software - Autodesk › support › download-installRun your software. Share. When you first run your software, you'll probably be able to use it right away. That's because authentication of your product takes place automatically. Normally, there's nothing more to do to activate your software. However, in some cases, you may see a Let's Get Started window asking for information about your license.
How to request an Activation Code - Autodesk › support › technicalMay 5, 2023 · Solution: Get an Activation Code Online If you have a perpetual license and can't generate an Activation Code following the manual activation process, Get your activation code now from AVA (Autodesk Virtual Agent). Note: Subscription software must be activated online and cannot be activated manually using an Activation code. See Also:
Find request code for manual activation - Autodesk › support › technicalJan 29, 2023 · Activate in one of the following ways: Enter the information at to get an activation code instantly. Complete the web request form using the link on the screen. (This request may take up to 48 hours.) Click Close to exit the wizard and resume using your software in trial mode. Finding stored registration information