Apple M1 Chip Autocad - Autocad Space · Product Compatibility for Apple M1 Silicon … Apple announced its M1 Silicon chip with ARM-based silicon processors that run in their new computers. This will allow users to cross-platform support of the macOS and iOS. Software developed for Intel won’t run on the new chips, so software companies are scrambling to make their software compatible.
Does Autocad work on Apple Silicon Macs? › app › AutocadAutocad. The app works with Rosetta 2. version 2021.1.1 Hotfix works on M1 macs through rosetta 2, however no native support yet. Tags: Autodesk , revit. Is Apple silicon ready for Autocad?, Rosetta 2 support for Autocad, Autocad on M1 Macbook Air, Autocad on M1 Macbook Pro, Autocad on M1 Mac Mini, Autocad on M1 iMac. More info.
Autocad For Mac M1 Chip - Autocad Space · 3/2/2021 · 11/16/2020 · Autodesk AutoCAD is expected to announce native support for the Apple M1 chip devices. The Universal build for the app will make it easier for M1-enabled Mac users to enjoy the performance gains of the commercial CAD and drafting application. Autodesk AutoCAD costs $210 monthly, $1690 per year, and $4565 for three years.