Australian historia – Wikipedia › wiki › Australian_historiaAustralian historia Australian historia jakautuu karkeasti kolmeen osaan; noin 60 000 vuotta kestäneeseen esihistorialliseen aikaan, vuonna 1788 alkaneeseen Australian kolonisaatioon sekä itsenäisen valtion historiaan vuodesta 1901 alkaen. Sisällys 1 Varhaisasutus 2 Tutkimusmatkailijat ja uudisraivaajat 3 Itsenäistyminen 4 Sodat 5 Nykyaika
Australia - History | Britannica › place › AustraliaMore significantly, from 1611 some Dutch ships sailing from the Cape of Good Hope to Java inevitably carried too far east and touched Australia: the first and most famous was Dirck Hartog’s Eendracht, from which men landed and left a memorial at Shark Bay, Western Australia, October 25–27, 1616.
Australia – Wikipedia eli Australian yhteisö (engl. The Commonwealth of Australia) on valtio eteläisellä pallonpuoliskolla. Australia on ainoa valtio, joka kattaa kokonaisen mantereen. Australian nimi tulee latinan sanasta australis, ’eteläinen’. Australian lähivaltioita ovat pohjoisessa Indonesia, Itä-Timor ja Papua-Uusi-Guinea, koillisessa Salomonsaaret ja Vanuatu ja kaakossa Uusi-Seelanti.
History of Australia - Wikipedia › wiki › History_of_AustraliaAustralia fought as part of British Empire and later Commonwealth in the two world wars and was to become a long-standing ally of the United States when threatened by Imperial Japan during World War II. Trade with Asia increased and a post-war immigration program received more than 6.5 million migrants from every continent. Supported by immigration of people from almost every country in the world since the end of World War II, the population increased to more than 25.5 million by 2020, with ...
History of Australia - Tourism Australia › en › facts-and-planningMillions of years in the making, Australia has an extraordinary history. The people, places and events that have shaped this country are celebrated in the form of unforgettable festivals, museums, walks, guided tours and more. History lovers will be richly rewarded with one-of-a-kind experiences that delve into the backstory of the island nation.
Australia History › australia-historyThe Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 through the federation of six states under a single constitution. The non-Indigenous population at the time of Federation was 3.8 million. Half of these lived in cities, three-quarters were born in Australia, and the majority were of English, Scottish or Irish descent.