Don Quixote Told to Children is a fun and exciting tale of the honorable and good, if not slightly mad, Quixote as if it were being told to children. This makes it a five-star pick for Spanish advanced beginners to low intermediate learners. 3. Padre Rico, Padre Pobre (Rich Dad, Poor Dad)
This app is a free audiobook player with hundreds of Spanish books and stories. It is ideal for learning Spanish language or develop further your skills and ...
The Best Free Spanish Audiobooks · 1. Spanish Short Stories for Beginners · 2. El Quijote Contado a los Niños (Don Quixote Told to Children) · 3. Padre Rico, Padre ...
7 Spanish Audiobooks You Can Get For Free · 1. Learn Spanish with Paul Noble · 2. Spanish Short Stories for Beginners · 3. Learn Spanish Intermediate Bundle · 4.
You will also see that this is where you can still learn lots of new things. In the end, translation is only limited, but the ultimate goal is to stop translating and be able to form thoughts straight from your target language. Here are some audiobooks in Spanish that match those criteria. 6. Cien Años de Soledad.
Jun 22, 2020 · 4. Caperucita Roja. Available as an Audiobook and Kindle ebook, the classic tale of a little girl encountering a wolf in the woods on the way to her grandmother’s house is presented in a Spanish version that will delight you. The audiobook is narrated in neutral Spanish and lasts 27 minutes from start to finish.
VerkkoIf you are interested in trying out some audiobooks in your target language, you can now claim two books for free with an Audible trial. You can cancel anytime, and the books will remain in your library and be …
While we’ve given you some place to start, you can also search for Spanish audiobooks that you would like on your own. Here are some great audiobook resources that will … Näytä lisää
Nov 22, 2018 · In this book list you’ll find 10 free audio books in English and Spanish. In previous posts we’ve looked at ways audio books can help you to learn English. With thousands of books now available in French, German and Spanish, you can now improve listening skills in other languages. It’s an easy way to have access to native speakers, and ...