We put our hearts into it - attendo.com
www.attendo.com › enAt Attendo we give you the care you need the way you want it, wherever we meet our customers across the Nordics. Interim report January-September 2022 More customers and better market conditions in Finland ahead of 2023. Read the report Financial Reports & Presentations Here you can find financial information, reports and presentations. Read more
https://laakeosaaminen.fiMikä on LOVe? LOVe eli Lääkehoidon osaaminen verkossa on palvelu, jonka kautta yksityishenkilö tai yritys voi hankkia lääkehoidon verkkokursseja. Palvelussa on kursseja mm. …
About Attendo - com
www.attendo.com › en › about-attendoAttendo offers care services for older people, people with disabilities and individual and families. We currently have operations in Sweden, Finland and Denmark. Attendo - Care your way! The Nordic countries have a proud tradition of meeting the most basic needs of all citizens’ by providing equal access to health and social care services.
Awanic Oy – Awanic Oy
https://awanic.fiTarjoamme myös LOVe- ja SÄVe-verkkokoulutuksia. ... lääkitysturvallisuusaiheinen VARO-kurssi on toivottu lisäys LOVe-kurssivalikoimaan ja se julkaistaan ...
Attendos operations - com
www.attendo.com › en › investor-relationsAttendo is the leading private provider of health care services in the Nordic region with operations in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Attendo provides services within care for older people and people with disabilities, individual and families. Attendo is organized in two business areas Attendo Scandinavia and Attendo Finland.
Investor Relations - Attendo - com
www.attendo.com › en › investor-relationsInvestor Relations Attendo endeavours to engage in open dialogue with the stock market and other stakeholders. On the following pages we provide information with the latest news, financial reports, the Attendo shares’ development and a subscription service. You can also learn more about our business, strategy, and how we create value.