What is another word for art collector - WordHippo
www.wordhippo.com › art_collectorNeed synonyms for art collector? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Noun Art buyer art buyer art connoiseur art dealer art enthusiast art lover “A famous art collector is walking through the city when he notices a mangy cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store, and he does a double take.”
Synonyms for ART COLLECTION - Thesaurus.net
https://www.thesaurus.net › art collecti...Synonyms for ART COLLECTION: art collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage, collection, compendium, accruement, appeal, assembling, gathering, ...
Best 46 synonyms for collector - Thesaurus - YourDictionary
https://thesaurus.yourdictionary.com › ...Synonyms for COLLECTOR: gatherer, accumulator, revenue agent, antiquary, connoisseur, collection agent, fancier, revenuer, finder, hobbyist, amasser, ...