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army flpb list

Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus - United States Army › content › Foreign Language
The monthly FLPB rate is based on proficiency and the language payment list (Army Soldiers can receive from $100 and up to $500 maximum for one language depending on which language and...
Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) Pay for Army ... › 2020/07
Department of the Army Strategic Language List · (LANGUAGE | DIGRAPH CODE | TRIGRAPH CODE) · Acholi | AH | ACH · Amharic | AC | AMH · Azerbaijani | ...
What are the current eligible languages for FLPB? - RallyPoint › answers
I speak Mandarin Chinese and currently serve as a 11B in the Army National ... on the Payment List "A" or Payment List "B" are eligible for all soldiers, ...
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY - United States Army › knox › index
Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) in accordance with (IAW) Army Regulation (AR) 11-6, Chapter 4- 4, a thru c; Soldiers and civilians currently drawing Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) because they occupy a language coded billet; and Soldiers and civilians who test annually in a language on the Army’s FY 20 General Purpose Forces Army Strategic Language
Defense Finance and Accounting Service > …
The Secretary must pay Immediate and Emerging DoD SLL category languages (at ILR skill level 2/2 and above). The Secretary may pay FLPB at the …
Defense Finance and Accounting Service › ... › Pay Tables
Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus Installment Rates (FLPB) (Note 1) ... (DoD) Strategic Language List (SLL) Languages or Dialects (note 4).
Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus - United States Army Language Proficiency Bonus
VerkkoThe monthly FLPB rate is based on proficiency and the language payment list (Army Soldiers can receive from $100 and up to $500 maximum for one language depending …
DoD Instruction 1340.27, "Military Foreign Language Skill ... › Portals › issuances › dodi
Establishes a revised FLPB payment table that provides greater flexibility ... on the DoD or Service Strategic Language List or any foreign.
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY - United States Army › knox › index
b. Army Regulation (AR) 11-6, Army Foreign Language Program, 18 February 2016. c. Memorandum, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G -2, DAMI-PIO, 1 May 2020, subject: Exception to Policy to Maintain Annual Language Proficiency and Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus for Soldiers and Civilians Worldwide Affected by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID -19). d. Memorandum, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-2, DAMI-PIO, 16 February 2021,
VerkkoThe Secretaries of the Military Departments, through the above authorities, may pay a Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) to eligible Service members with certified …
Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) - Military Benefits
Service members who are certified proficient may also be eligible for FLPB for dialects and languages that are not designated but are necessary for …
Army National Guard: Foreign Language Proficiency …
In order to be eligible for FLPB pay, you must be in one of the two following criteria: Be proficient (have DLPT score of at least 1/1) on at least one of the …
This chapter establishes policy pertaining to Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) for members of an Active Component (AC) or Reserve Component (RC) of the Military Services (less the Coast...
Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus - DLNSEO › content › flpb
... for foreign languages identified on both the DoD Strategic Language List ... On any given month, the Military Services pay approximately $7M in FLPB to ...
Department of the Army Strategic Language List › uploads › 2015/06 › F...
Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) will be paid according to the payment table specified in AR 11-6, Army Foreign Language Program. 4.
Army Strategic Language List…
Verkkobe paid at the lowest level lAW AR 11-6 for their billet, even for non-listed languages. 3. All Soldiers who qualify for FLPB lAW AR 11-6 are deemed to have duties requiring …
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY - United States Army…
Verkkob. Soldiers and DA Civilians currently drawing FLPB because they occupy a language coded billet; c. Soldiers who test annually in a language on the Army’s FY 20 General …
5 Things You Should Know About the Foreign Language ……
FLPB is designed to compensate soldiers that speak a foreign language for maintaining their linguistic skills. Provided a soldier tests well enough, pay rates range from a minimum of $100 to a …
Defense Finance and Accounting Service > MilitaryMembers ... › payentitlements › Pay-Tables
Jul 19, 2022 · The Secretary must pay Immediate and Emerging DoD SLL category languages (at ILR skill level 2/2 and above). The Secretary may pay FLPB at the Category B scale to Service members who test proficient in an additional DoD or Service-approved dialect of a language for which they receive FLPB at the Category A rate.
Foreign Language Proficiency Pay - Wikipedia
FLPB is usually paid on a monthly, bonus basis (installments), but may be paid an annual, lump sum bonuses. The amount of bonus varies based on the category (payment list) of the language, the level of demonstrated proficiency, and possibly the member's occupation (Army or Marine Corps MOS, Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) or Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) Code]). The lowest payment is $100 per month. By law, 37 U.S.C. Section 353(b), the Services are authoriz…
MEMORANDUM 1. References - United States Army
Investment Languages List) to the Enduring Language List for payment of FLPB only to language capable and language dependent MOS/Branch …
Foreign Language Proficiency Pay - Military Rates › milita...
Entitlement to Foreign Language Proficiency Pay (FLPP) is established for ... in a language on the Department of Defense's Strategic Language List (DoD SLL) ...
Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) pay - HRC › content
The monthly FLPB rate is based on proficiency and the language payment list (Army Soldiers can receive from $100 and up to $500 maximum for one language ...
Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) Pay for Army ... › 2020 › 07
Jul 5, 2020 · Enlisted: 00S 00Z: Nominative Command Sergeant Major/Sergeant Major (limited to those with a 18, 35, 37, 38 CMF background) 09L: Interpreter/Translator 35L: Counter Intelligence Agent 35M: Human Intelligence Collector 35N: Signals Intelligence Analyst 35P: Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Voice ...