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argentina wikipedia

Argentiina – Wikipedia
Argentiinan tasavalta eli Argentiina (esp. Argentina, República Argentina, IPA: [reˈpuβlika aɾxenˈtina] kuuntele ääntämys ) on valtio Etelä-Amerikan eteläosassa Atlantin länsirannikolla. Argentiina ulottuu trooppisesta pohjoisesta Etelä-Amerikan antarktiseen eteläkärkeen. Sen naapurimaita ovat Bolivia, Brasilia, Chile, Paraguay ja Uruguay. Argentiina on pinta-alaltaan maailman kahdeksanneksi s…
Argentina – Travel guide at Wikivoyage › wiki › Ar...
It offers a great diversity of climates and landscapes from jungles in the north, great grass plains in the center and frozen mountains in the south. Like its ...
Argentinien – Wikipedia
Argentinien hat eine Fläche von 2,78 Millionen km² und ist damit nach Brasilien der zweitgrößte Staat Südamerikas. Die Ausdehnung von Norden nach Süden beträgt 3694 km, die von Westen …
Wikipedia - Sivu 158 - Google-teoshaun tulos › books
The Tanque Argentino Mediano(”ArgentineMediumTank”), or TAM,is the main battle tank in service with the Argentine Army. Lacking the experience and resources ...
Argentina – Wikipedie
Argentina y conquista del Río de la Plata (), epická báseň Martína del Barcy Centenery je nejstarším španělskojazyčným dokladem jména Argentina („Stříbrná“). Jméno země je vlastně …
Argentína – Wikipédiaína
Argentína, hivatalos nevén: Argentin Köztársaság (spanyolul: República Argentina) dél-amerikai ország. Délről és nyugatról Chile, északról Bolívia és Paraguay, északkeletről Brazília és …
Mapping Hacks: Tips & Tools for Electronic Cartography › books
#45 Extract a Spatial Model from Wikipedia the page name in square brackets ... For example, is the country page for ...
Argentina - Wikipedia
Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic (Spanish: República Argentina), is a country in the southern half of South America. Argentina covers an area of 2,780,400 km (1,073,500 sq mi), making it the second-largest country in South America after Brazil, the fourth-largest country in the Americas, and the eighth … Näytä lisää
Argentina - Wikipedia › wiki › Argentina
Argentina ( masculine argentino) means in Italian " (made) of silver, silver coloured", derived from the Latin "argentum" for silver. In Italian, the adjective or the proper noun is often used in an autonomous way as a substantive and replaces it and it is said l'Argentina .
Argentina – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre › wiki › Argentina
A Argentina está situada no sul da América do Sul, com a Cordilheira dos Andes a oeste [ 71] e o Oceano Atlântico ao sul e a leste. [ 72] O país tem uma área total (excluindo a alegação da Antártida e as áreas controladas pelo Reino Unido) de 2 780 400 km², [ 73] sendo que 43 710 km², ou 1,57%, é composto por água.
Argentina - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Argentina, oficialmente República Argentina, [h] es un país soberano de América del Sur, ubicado en el extremo sur y sudeste de dicho subcontinente.Adopta la forma de gobierno republicana, …
Argentina - Wikipedia
L' Argentina, ufficialmente Repubblica Argentina (in spagnolo: República Argentina, AFI: [reˈpuβlika aɾxenˈtina] ), è una repubblica federale, situata nella parte meridionale del Sud …
Argentina – Wikipedia
Argentina på Commons. Salta. Republikken Argentina er et land i den sørlige kjegle i Sør-Amerika, beliggende mellom Andesfjellene i vest og Atlanterhavet i øst og sør. Det utgjør den sørligste …
Geography of Argentina - Wikipedia › wiki › Geography_of_Argentina
In terms of area, Argentina is the second largest country of South America after Brazil, and the 8th largest country in the world. Its total area is 2,780,400 km 2 (1,073,500 sq mi). Argentina claims a section of Antarctica ( Argentine Antarctica) that is subject to the Antarctic Treaty.
Argentina, 1985 - Wikipedia,_1985
Argentina, 1985 is a 2022 Argentine-American historical drama film produced and directed by Santiago Mitre and written by Mitre and Mariano Llinás.It stars Ricardo Darín, Peter Lanzani, …
Wikipedia marathons: editing for rights in Argentina - OHCHR › video › wiki...
... human rights through Wikipedia. A first event was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, gathering contributors to edit content about women and LGBTI rights.
A Handbook of Military Conscription and Composition the ... › books
Wikipedia. Armed Forces of the Argentine Republic. Available through: http:// Access Date: October 31, 2009. 2.
Argentiina - Wikipedia › wiki › Argentiina
kuuntele ääntämys) on valtio Etelä-Amerikan eteläosassa Atlantin länsirannikolla. Argentiina ulottuu trooppisesta pohjoisesta Etelä-Amerikan antarktiseen ...