Worth pre-ordering? :: New World General Discussions
steamcommunity.com › app › 1063730Good day all, I've had my eye on this game for a while but am not sure whether to pre-order or not, as I know the last play test was under strict NDA I'm not looking for information that could break that, just peoples opinions on whether its worth a pre-order or has potential or if its not worth it and to hold off until release or even a few months after release. Thanks in advance.
Are Pre-Orders Worth It? | N4G
n4g.com › news › 2198433If you pre-order digital you get to pre-load the game a couple of days before release, that way you can play the game the very second it's available. I'd much rather do that over driving to the game store, waiting in line, driving back home and then having to wait for the game to install before I can play.