Apteq Caring Toothpaste - Apteq
apteq.fi › en › productsAt Fennogate Finland Ltd, we conducted a consumer study in which we gave customers suffering from oral lichen planus Apteq Caring Toothpaste for testing. All customers who responded to the survey indicated that they intended to continue using Apteq toothpaste. 88% recommended Apteq toothpaste to others suffering from oral lichen planus.
Better from pharmacies - Apteq
apteq.fi › enApteq is a Finnish over-the-counter pharmacy product brand. We respond to Finland’s current and future well-being needs with Finnish products that support and promote health and well-being. We want to be the first choice of pharmacies everywhere. That is why we offer an unbeatable quality-price proposition and products with forward-looking ...
Parempaa apteekista - Apteq-tuotteet
apteq.fiApteq – Parempaa apteekista. Apteq on suomalainen apteekkien itsehoitotuotebrändi. Vastaamme suomalaisen hyvinvoinnin nykyisiin ja tuleviin tarpeisiin Suomessa kehitetyillä, terveyttä ja hyvinvointia tukevilla ja edistävillä tuotteilla. Haluamme olla apteekkien paras vaihtoehto.
Apteq Q3 blood pressure monitor - Apteq
apteq.fi › en › productsApteq Q3 – High-quality blood pressure monitor with free power adapter included Apteq Q3 is a high-quality, accurate and reliable automatic upper arm blood pressure monitor with basic features that make it appropriate for the whole family. Real Fuzzy technology enables more accurate readings without uncomfortable pressure.
Apteq Vitamin D - Apteq
apteq.fi › en › productsApteq Vitamin D3 is an affordable vitamin tablet made in Finland that is designed to work well as a daily source of vitamin D and to supplement a healthy diet. Buy directly from the following online pharmacies Buy online Buy online Buy online See more More information Good-tasting chewable tablet Available in two strengths: 20 µg and 50 µg