Aprender a Leer y Escribir - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › appsarrow_forward. Learning to read and write in Spanish is an app that is based on the study by calligraphy. It is aimed at children from 3 years and is ideal for the graphomotor and learn to make the lines of words and numbers. This application encourages the development of fine motor skills and aims that smaller learn and recognize: - The alphabet.
Aprender a leer y escribir! Ju - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › appsA highly recommended app used by parents, teachers, and occupational therapists. Loved & played by over 2 million young children and used in over 5,000 preschools and kindergartens to teach handwriting to children! • Learn to write all the letters of the Spanish alphabet, alphabet and numbers from 1 to 10. • Play and discover 3 exciting ...
Aprendiendo a Leer y Escribir - Blogger
aprendiendoleerescribir.blogspot.comEl niño tiene un papel activo en el proceso de aprendizaje pero no actúa solo, aprende a pensar creando, a solas o con la ayuda de alguien, e interiorizando progresivamente versiones más adecuadas de las herramientas “intelectuales” que le presentan y le enseñan activamente las personas mayores. Una persona más experimentada puede dar ...